Keepsakes & Memorials

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Small Ashes Containers

Keep your loved one close with small, pocket-sized containers, beautifully designed with intricate details. This is the perfect keepsake for sharing the memory of your loved one with close family and friends.

small ashes container
Ashes into Jewellery

Ashes into Jewellery

The finest jewellery hand-made from your loved one’s ashes or embellished with their fingerprint will give you comfort as you carry a beautiful token of their memory with you always and creates a very personal memorial that can be passed down for generations. 

Silver Finger Prints

Personalize a finger print in memory of your loved one, on the anniversary of their death, or to give as a gift or memento to family and friends.

Silver Finger Prints

We offer a wide selection of keepsakes to help you remember your loved one and/or preserve cremated remains. Here are a few examples of our most popular items but we can source products for you if you have a specific keepsake in mind…

Memorial Services

Arrange a fitting tribute in memory of your loved one on the anniversary of their death or other significant date.
Call and speak to one of our friendly staff to discuss the style of personalised keepsake you’re looking for.